Land the Perfect Internship with Our FinternHub

Discover our FinternHub showing internship opportunities from banks and boutiques worldwide.

Leverage Opportunify's mentoring platform and receive invaluable guidance from our seasoned mentors - students and young professionals who have had successful experiences in the finance world

Let our mentors help you navigate the entire process, from application to interview, and set you on the path to success

Obtain specific feedback on your CV, how to structure it, and what to add or change

Discuss your ambitions, doubts and questions with someone who has been in your shoes, and plan the best strategy to succeed.

Prepare for your interview with someone who has successfully passed many at the top firms.

Ask a mentor to review your cover letter and give you insights on how to make it perfect for the position you are applying to.

Go to the interview or prepare your application with great insights by understanding what working for a specific company looks like.
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Change with our Mentors

Frequently Asked Questions

The starter plan is free, giving access to the main hub with five leading banks shown. The pro plan includes all banks, boutiques, and funds, including new opportunity email notifications, access to your personal space and full functionality.

Every mentor can list their own price and so you will have the choice. There is usually a correlation of experience/prestige of an institution with price.

The FinternHub pro plan is $49 for 3 months or $79 for 6 months.

Mentoring sessions can last between 30 minutes and 1 hour depending on your preference. You’ll have access to the mentors calendar, so you can see their availabilities and book the best time for you.